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Subscribe ensure you’re always up to date on the fantastic workshops, retreats, and more that Wordsmith offers. Our announcements and writer tips are always free!
Stay up-to-date
We host monthly online seminars, periodic workshops, online communal programs, and even live retreats to offer aspiring and established authors a broad view of publishing tips and craft-based programming. Our online programs are sometimes limited and our in-person retreats tend to fill up very fast, so don’t miss out!
Join the conversation
Wordsmith Workshops is all about community. Join us here by commenting, or visit us online at our website. You can also reach out to the co-founders, NYT bestselling author Beth Revis and award-winning author Cristin Terrill.
Our goal is to create the kind of programming we wished we had when we were starting out—so please always feel free to let us know what kind of content you need!
Where to Start
We have a lot on offer, and we don’t want to overwhelm you!
Looking for a critique or one-on-one coaching? Start here!
Want to check out our online workshops? This is where to go.
Hoping to find a communal writing group? We’ve got you covered.
Can't wait for the next in-person retreat? Neither can we! New retreats always sell out fast, and this very newsletter is where you’ll find out about them first. Meanwhile, you can read up on the details here.